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Preparing for Surgery


Preparing for surgery 

  • Be on time
  • Provide your surgeon and surgical facility with the best contact phone number where you can be reached. 
  • Arrival times may change. The surgical facility will contact you with any changes to arrival times before or on the day of surgery. 
  • Take only the medication you have been told to take on the morning of your procedure. 
  • Bathe or shower and brush your teeth before you check in
  • Do not shave the surgical area
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your procedure (this includes candy, mints and chewing gum) 
  • Do not smoke for at least twelve (12) hours before your procedure
  • If you are under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must come with you on the day of your procedure
  • Wear loose clothing and flat shoes
  • Arrange for a responsible adult to take you home after your procedure
  • Arrange for someone to stay with you for at least 24 hours when you return home
  • Complete any online forms provided by the surgical facility prior to your scheduled procedure. 
  • Be sure to bring your insurance card, photo ID and a list of your current medications on the day of surgery
  • Leave any personal belongings at home. Do not wear jewelry, perfume or use lotion after showering the day of and the day before surgery. 
  • Be sure to bring your glasses on the day of surgery. You may need to fill out a few forms. 
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